Musical Fairy Tale

Even though i trying to avoid making my blog like movie review...
but really cant stop myself doing it as i am a movie lover...

Today finally watched Disney's TV movie "High School Musical" on TV...
Last time was attracted by it's TV commercial with beautiful song...
then found out that internet full with tremendous review of this movie because of it's wonderful songs...
It has been recognized as TV version of Classic Movie "Grease"...

It is a typical same old high school kind of story...
Music brought 2 soul together...
There is love, friendship, family...
Of cos there is always an arrogant blonde that try to ruin everything...
And always end up with happily ever after...
But what is the most attracted me in the movie is the music...

Music brought them together...

Their first rehearsal... Then everybody sing about their dream...

Her feelings towards him...

Their first performance on the stage...

Happy ending...

Enjoy the magical of music...
maybe they will become next Britney Spear, Christina Aguilera & Justin Timberlake...

1 Whispers:

Hisham said...

Nice one. Good movie. Thinking of looking for the DVD for collection. Nice songs too..

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