Finally tonight is "So You Think You Can Dance" Malaysia version season 2 finale, something that I been waiting for. Even though this year finalists – Hong, Black, CC & Sim - might not be the best dancer ever, but some how they have their own unique characteristic and charisma. I personally think Hong or Sim deserve to be the winner, but some how the result turn out to be abit unexpected when the host announced CC as the winner. She is good , but overall of her performances last night just plain dull if compare with the others, maybe she won because her popularity is higher than the others.Overall all the performances for season 2 finale were not bad, but some how it’s just not as outstanding as last year season 1 finale. Maybe the reason was because finalists of season 1 are more on Hip Hop breakdance (I love Hip Hop breakdance, it’s just so cool with all those incredible stunts), therefore they manage to put on some excellent complex chorography, especially last year winner - Muhamad Haslam "Alam" & Dennis Yin. Regardless solo or couple, both of their performances just amazing and outshine throughout the whole finale show.
And for those whose fancy to Alam, don’t forget to tune in channel 8TV on every Sunday (starting from 3rd of August 08) at 10pm to catch his first TV show - "Alam's Story", that based on his true journey to become the best dancer in Malaysia.

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大學生是社會的一個特殊群體,是指接受過大學教育的人,從國際通行嚴格的意義上,大學生是『學士、碩士、博士』 層次的主要群體。但,我不是。
人生中我是有2次機會可以到國外大學(台灣🇹🇼、瑞士 🇨🇭
6 years ago
9 years ago
Singapore Universal Studio 2
好熟悉嘅造型, 但系就记唔起佢扮紧边个.
呢个都系一样, 好熟悉但系就记唔起, 大家知唔知佢哋扮紧边个啊?
13 years ago
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