End of Malaysia?
Malaysia is attack by massive water since mid-Dec...
More than 110,000 citizen being evacuated from their home...
Is it meaning that we are no longer free of natural disaster?
Or is this really a natural disaster? Or it's just caused by ourself?
Thanks to Mother Nature…
Because we are destroying our Earth, and it is time for her to revenge…
Thanks to our government…
For our current poor flood mitigation infrastructure…
What a shame cos it is happen to a developed country like us…
Thanks to our citizen…
For destroying our own environment…
Most important, thanks to our PM…
In this critic moment, he still gone for his long vacation at oversea…
Shame on him…
This is what we call Visit Malaysia Year 2007??!!
Just hope a better future for those affected area, especially Johor…
Let’s pray for those flood victims…
Friday, January 12, 2007
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