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Sunday, March 30, 2008 | Labels: 源味食谱 My Story | 0 Comments
第一次踏入The Garden,蛮满意这里的parking,相同的价钱至少人潮不多,也没Midvalley的parking复杂。可是说到shopping,还是Midvalley比较适合我们这种贫穷贵公子,The Garden太名贵了吧。
去年已开始很流行的Skinny Jeans,一直听说Topshop的很好看,cutting很好。虽然迟了很多,结果试了真的非常喜欢,二话不说就买下了,价钱@RM196。
Teaner选择在久闻的Yo! Sushi店里解决,结果食物OK而已,有点小失望。Yo! Sushi其实是源自于英国名气高的连锁品牌,所以价钱比其他寿司店有点小贵,甚至绿茶也不是免费的。值得吗?见仁见智吧,外面很多部落客都赞不绝口,而我本身还是比较爱Genki Sushi(糟了,有打广告的成份。)
算是不枉此行吧,喜欢The Garden的环境,蛮适合我这类有气质的年轻人。。。
Saturday, March 29, 2008 | Labels: 源味食谱 My Story | 2 Comments
Thursday, March 20, 2008 | Labels: 敢怒敢源 Voice Out | 0 Comments
Friendster Celebrity???
Log in into my Friendster account today...
Wow!!! What a long pending friend requests list!!!
What is happening? All of a sudden I'm selling like hot cakes in Friendster? Haha :P
Saturday, March 15, 2008 | Labels: 源味食谱 My Story | 2 Comments
Election Fever
I’m very clear of who I’m going to vote, as I am really not satisfy with lots of incidents that happen in our country for the past few years just like other citizens, this is really a good chance for us to select different direction for better future.
Decided to go there at late afternoon with sisters since the school is nearby my house, plus lots of people commented that normally morning would have more people if compare with noon. The environment there was so quiet & serious, feel like attending a very important exam. It took me less than 5min to complete the whole voting process, simple & fast. But I was very surprise that we actually just tick with pencil instead of permanent pen, & some more there is an eraser on the table, is it means that someone actually can play cheat easily?
At night, when the result revealed partially on TV, it just shocked everybody, as we all are expecting some changes starting from today but never expected the impact will be this huge.
Hope there will be a better future ahead for us...
Sunday, March 09, 2008 | Labels: 敢怒敢源 Voice Out, 源味食谱 My Story | 0 Comments
The Mist = Life???
Tonight went to KLCC for a movie - The Mist, a movie that truly based on one of the best horror novel from my favorite horror author – Stephen King.
The story start with the morning after a violent thunderstorm, a thick unnatural mist rapidly spreads across the small town, a disparate of citizens trapped in a supermarket without knowing what’s going on. Things become worst when people massacre by mysterious creatures from the mist, & everybody are struggle for their survivals.
This is probably one of the highly recommend best movie for year 2007, all the characters just super, the plot is interesting, those mysterious creatures are creepy and disgusting, the tragic ending just so impressive shocking and unexpected. But probably you will hate it just like my friends if you are expecting big budget actions, impressive CG or lots of disgusting gore scenes. Because this is not an ordinary horror movie that we normally watch elsewhere, where the hero & heroin will always save the day in the end, this just isn’t going to happen in this movie.
This movie is focus more on the reaction of these people deals with things differently in crisis, which ordinary people will react normally as well. Where some people choose to fight hard for survival, while some choose to pray & believe in God, some just rather give up by commit suicide... And from there, we realize that actually human possession can be more terrifying than monster. But be prepare for the outcome, cos it did make me feel little sick and down right after the movie, but it's still a good movie not to miss...
The mist symbolizes our life, the crisis represent all those challenges that we need to face, and we always need to make a choice anywhere anytime like those characters in the movie without knowing the consequences of each choice...
So are we always making the right choices? This movie will change all our perception...
Thursday, March 06, 2008 | Labels: 幸福游乐场 All about Entertainment | 0 Comments
除了我之外,还有一只印度星龟 - 豆豆也是初来报到,它总是动作缓慢,胆小怕事,动不动就往自己的家里缩,真是只名副其实的缩头龟。它可是非常善良的动物,不但没有脾气,还是常年素食,好心又好报,所以它才能长命百岁吧。它其实是另一位比较年轻的女主人男朋友送给她的生日礼物,只送一只还真的怪不吉祥。听说那男的找了很久才找到这只比较美且价钱公道的,原本要买一对,可是却只剩下这一只了。
当然除了我们,这家还有两位元老 - 一只Chiwawa狗BoyBoy及杂种猫MiMi(真俗气),既然能奇迹般地生活在一起,好玩的MiMi还时常抓着BoyBoy不放,逼BoyBoy陪它玩耍。
Monday, March 03, 2008 | Labels: 源味食谱 My Story | 2 Comments
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