Internet contain lots of little flash game nowadays that require to use your intelligence to solve it, & the most common game will be "Secret Room"…
Recently found an interesting Flash Game website – Eyezmaze…
The GROW series that created by them is damn fun to play with…The interesting part of this series is it requires your intelligence to make simple item turn into a beautiful art…
Which is totally difference with "Secret Room"…
We don’t have to look for secret item everywhere to solve the puzzle…
But we put in items that ready on the screen to create an interesting puzzle…
Every item have difference pattern of growth, & every each item that put in will cause other items to grow or change…
Maybe it sound like you can simply put in all items and win…
Then you were wrong!!!
Every item has difference growth level…
System won’t reveal it to you, & you have to explore yourself…
If all items do not reach maximum level, then you lose….
On the other hand, if you manage to reach maximum level, it will display cute winning animation…
This is a game about logic, but not so logic as it does not provide any pattern & condition…
& most important, this game is CUTE...
Therefore I admire person's creativity and the powerful and unconstrained style imagination which creates this game…
Below attached herewith the picture of original & winning...
Keep trying & have

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