I really can’t “tahan” anymore as I'm look damn bad with long hair…
But failed to cut it before CNY because I was damn busy & pricey (all salon will raise their price before CNY)…
Today finally had my new hair cut...This new cut was totally inspired by my good friend - Dylon(he has same hair style too, but slightly difference, I will try to post photo of him & I next time)…
& actually he was inspired by Rain’s lately hair cut (Of cos he looks much much better than us)…
The end result… I think not bad, at least something difference…
& Dylon agree too…
But all my sis totally hate it…
They think I look weird with this hair style, especially my side…. SHIT…
Anyway I confidence with my choice & new hair cut…
Will try something new again next time…
Front - not much difference, just shorter than my previous hair style...
This is the fantastic part that new for me, but my sis hate it...
I think it's not bad, just look abit like gangster...
Back - not much difference with my previous hair style too, just longer...
1 Whispers:
this is angel
miss u a lot :)
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